Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Dance of Trust

Dance of Trust

The sun rises as does my love for thee.
Machinations wander the valley pathway.
What is our purpose together? Apart?
Thou lead and I follow until the sun's
abandonment gives way to the moon.
Random thoughts impede me as darkness
diminishes my vision beyond today.

Arise my love to sun's daybreak rejoicing.
Begin anew thy journey's full purpose.
I follow where thou lead emboldened
by thy willingness to possess all of me.
Remember naught paths without me.

Celebrate my leading and everpresence.
Those thou mourn suffocate thy splendor.
I am with thee throughout thy journey.
Do not ask for visions, future or past.
Envision all things through my eyes only.

Embrace me as thou would'st thy lover.
Forget the past memories of thy pain.
Drink from this well that gives thou life.
I am thy past, present, and future.
Turn thy fickle heart toward the truth.
If not, be on thy way until thou see light.
When thou tire of life's lost dreams then
turn to the one everpresent in thy life.

Behold thy one true love's beckoning.
Be still my love. Trust my words spoken.
Behold my deeds shown through my eyes.
Come and rest thy weary brow upon me.
I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
I am thy one true love within thy fate
awaiting thy complicity and consent.

Susans Soul

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